About Me

Anna Solding

Anna Solding grew up in Sweden, but is now happily settled in Australia. Working as a photographer, translator, editor and university tutor to support her writing, she earned a PhD in Creative Writing from the University of Adelaide. Many of her stories have won awards and have appeared in journals and collections. She has judged the HarperCollins Varuna Award and has served as fiction co-editor for the literary magazines Wet Ink and Animate Quarterly.

In 2010, her novel The Hum of Concrete was shortlisted for the Adelaide Festival Awards for Best Unpublished Manuscript. In March 2012, the highly anticipated The Hum of Concrete was published to rave reviews. See the writing section of the website for further exploration of reviews.

Currently, Anna is busy travelling around the country promoting her book, speaking at writers’ festivals and universities as well as signing books in book shops. See the events section of the website for further information about events.

Anna lives in Adelaide with her partner and their three gorgeous boys.

2 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi Anna,
    Just saw your tweet and since I’m not on twitter I thought I could just drop you a quick line to say sorry! if you thought I was panning you in my review — not at all, I’m afraid I don’t know your book, but I just have an issue with those kind of titles. I picked yours completely at random, not imagining that you’d ever notice, and because it had ‘concrete’ in it. Thoughtless of me, in service of a cheap crack. Apologies and best wishes for your writing.

    Kate Holden

    • Hi Kate,
      Thank you for writing. In some strange way, all publicity is good publicity. I didn’t initially read your review but a friend of mine pointed it out to me. I was quite happy that you knew about my book (even though I guessed that you probably hadn’t read it) but Twitter lends itself to dramatic phrasing such as panning, so sorry that I in turn took advantage of your review… Apologies all around. I went to the Stella Trivia night at Melbourne Writers’ Festival and had a ball, so I saw you live there but I haven’t actually read any of your books yet, but I will now.
      Best regards,

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